Moving Forward
Cancer is a life changer, even when it isn’t always the immediate death sentence that we all are designed to fear. But cancer is not the only life changer. Life is difficult.
My emotions have run from elated to depressed, sad, fearful and anxious, angry and happy – sometimes all in the same week. Isn’t this like life? Our cancer journeys don’t usually go from diagnosis to treatment to cure, but back and forth just like life. We cancer survivors cannot expect a straight line. Sometime all we can do is hang on for a turbulent, confusing, crazy ride.
When you can, move forward. Use your cancer as a wake-up call to live your best life. Keep your follow-up appointments. Go see medical professionals when questions or worries come up – and they will. Move forward by living your life to the fullest – experience, learn and help others when you can. We are all fish in the same pond.
Check out Breast Cancer Care Moving Forward course near you: